Hotel Owners Donate To Frontline Workers
$24,000 raised and donated to Maricopa County ValleyWise Health and Professional Firefighters of Arizona
(Phoenix AZ-May 27, 2020) Arizona based group of friends and hoteliers in Phoenix, Arizona, stepped up to raise funds in order to help the frontline workers during this Corona Pandemic impacting their community. Donations collected and made as the Arizona Hotel/Motel Owners group, contributed $24,000 that went to Maricopa County ValleyWise Health and Professional Firefighters of Arizona.
“We needed to unite as a group to collectively make a positive impact in our local community, this was just a small way for us to show appreciation to our all heroes on the front line,” said Niraj Dhanani with AP Hospitality. “We truly appreciate all our supporters and generous donors making this possible.”
Despite the Covid-19 wrecking havoc on the hospitality industry, hoteliers coming together and supporting a greater cause is indeed shocking to most. In 2 short weeks the group was able to rally up the local hotel and motel owners to help contribute making them rise their funding goal couple times. Giving back and helping the community is ingrained in the cultural way of life for most Indian Americans, good karma as it’s called.
“Our original goal was to donate supplies, but later found out that donating money can go lot further for their immediate needs and allowing them to buy the supplies at a much lower cost,” explained Niraj Dhanani.
For additional comments:
Niraj Dhanani - AP Hospitality, 480-331-2553
Nate Lowrie - ValleyWise Health, 602-690-3346
Bryan Jeffries -Professional Firefighters of Arizona, 602-277-1500
Photo: Accepting the check from Arizona Hotel Owners group, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallegos (center) with the Nate Lowrie (center right) with ValleyWise Health and Bryan Jeffries (right) with Professional Firefighters of Arizona.